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Model 320SL Dual Synchronized (Stacked) Microwave Link
Company Profile - Microwave Sensors
Model 320SL Dual Synchronized (Stacked) Microwave Link
Model 320SL is a dual (stacked) perimeter microwave intrusion detection system designed for protection of high risk assets. The lower link, typically mounted between 300 and 460 mm (12 to 18 in) above grade, is a Southwest Microwave Model 310B.

This link operates at K-band frequency (24.125 GHz) to provide a very narrow detection pattern that has been optimized to detect a slow prone crawling intruder (30 cm standard metal sphere radar target). The upper link, mounted between 0.7 and 1 m (30 to 40 in) above grade, is a Southwest Microwave Model 300B. Operating at X-band frequency (10.525 GHz), this link provides a medium-width detection pattern designed to detect a walking, running, or jumping intruder.
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