Products Detail Information
MS15 / MS16 Dual Technology Motion Sensor
Company Profile - Dual Technology Sensors
MS15 / MS16 Dual Technology Motion Sensor

MS15 and MS16 outdoor, dual technology motion sensors offer the unique combination of Doppler Microwave and Passive Infrared technology to provide volumetric protection for a variety of exterior applications. With a 15 m x 12 m (50 ft x 40 ft) detection pattern, MS15 and MS16 sensors are designed for reliable detection of upright / walking and running targets. The MS16 High Security Motion Sensor offers enhanced detection capability for prone (crawling) targets.

MS15 and MS16 Motion Sensors are configured for “And Gate” operation; both technology elements must activate simultaneously for the sensor to alarm. The microwave portion must detect motion of an intruder, while the passive infrared portion must detect infrared radiation emitted by an intruder. When both technologies activate at once, the sensor initiates an alarm condition.

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